Home Repairs

Our Mission: Promoting neighborhood stabilization, community revitalization,
and economic development through projects and partnerships
that positively impact Chautauqua County, NY and it's residents.

How We can help!

 CHRIC Provides income-eligible homeowners financial assistance to complete repairs that will make their homes safer, healthier
 and more affordable.

Most of our programs are targeted to specific communities or specific types of repairs. Each may have its own guidelines for eligibility.

We are currently working with the Villages of Sherman, Silver Creek, Westfield, and Celoron to deliver Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds that were awarded to these communities to help eligible homeowners with necessary home repairs.

We also have CDBG funding available county-wide for homeowners who are in need of repair or replacement of pre-existing water wells or septic systems or the repair or replacement of pre-existing lateral connections to municipal water/sewer systems. This program is available countywide, except for residents of the Cities of Jamestown and Dunkirk (see note below).

We are also working with the Town of Ellington to deliver a CDBG program that provides replacement homes for  people who own and live in manufactured homes (trailers) that are in extremely poor condition and can no longer be repaired properly.

Under all of theses CDBG programs, you must be a resident of the Village or the Town (you must pay your property taxes to the specific Village or Town named).Your home must be single-family and owner-occupied. Your mortgage and property/school taxes must be current. For the Ellington Trailer Replacement Program, there cannot be an open mortgage against the trailer to be replaced and you must own the land upon which the trailer is located. 

In addition, your total household income cannot exceed 80% of the Area Median Income as established by HUD. Income is based on your gross income (before any taxes, health care costs or other deductions are taken out of your check). Total household income includes the income of all members of the household who are over the age of 18 (unless they are full-time students) whether they contribute to the household or not. Earned income of children under the age of 18 is not included, but benefits (such as Social Security) provided to children under the age of 18 is counted as household income.


Household Size 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Max. Gross

Annual Income 80% Median Income
